A place to share sights, sounds, smells, sensation, salivations and situations...
Lilypie Tickers
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Mutiara Muffin
Easter Sunday (27 March 2005) was also Mutiara Muffin Day. This time it was pisang raja banana muffins. The tried-and-tested recipe was from Angie's mummy's hand-written recipe book.
[Mutiara Muffin Madness: We had 12 muffins and a mini cake]
We had a winged visitor early last week. It was a moth with interesting red and black spots.
[Polka Dot Moth]
Today is the last day of March. Tomorrow is...
I LOVE banana muffins!! Can you please please share the recipe?! Thanks!
Anonymous & MrsT: Here's the recipe: 8oz plain flour 6oz castor sugar 6oz butter 2-3 eggs 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate 1 tsp baking powder 2 tbsp milk 1 cup mashed bananas (according to the fruit seller, pisang raja is more fragrant and suitable for cakes)
I LOVE banana muffins!! Can you please please share the recipe?! Thanks!
Hey..Angie & Bart,
Can share recipe.. or not..?? must use pisang raja..?? or can use others..??
Anonymous & MrsT: Here's the recipe:
8oz plain flour
6oz castor sugar
6oz butter
2-3 eggs
1 tsp sodium bicarbonate
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp milk
1 cup mashed bananas (according to the fruit seller, pisang raja is more fragrant and suitable for cakes)
Good luck!
The moth looks yummy. :D
knfk: Yah... kinda powdery :o)
can you please tell me how to make the muffins coz you only give the ingredients. Thank you.
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