Jerald turned 2 months old on 28 March 2016.
He was finally allowed to have is immunisation (delayed from his 1st month clinic visit) on 15 March 2016. He weighed 3.4kg and was 56cm in length. He also started a cough which he likely caught from the rest of the family.
His jaundice was finally on a downward trend since 3 March 2015 and serum bilirubin (SB) level was 98µmol/L on 24 March 2016.
Jerald started going to daycare since 21 March 2016 in view of Angie returning to work after maternity leave at the end of March 2016. Much to our surprise, since he had to be bottlefed expressed breast milk at the daycare centre, he was drinking quite a lot and the stock of expressed breast mild didn't last long. On 28 March 2016, he started drinking formula milk in addition to the daily supply of expressed breast milk.
[Jerald and Julian in a friendly fight]
[Jerald blowing raspberries]
[Jerald (Similar pose by his brothers: Julian, and Justin)]
He was finally allowed to have is immunisation (delayed from his 1st month clinic visit) on 15 March 2016. He weighed 3.4kg and was 56cm in length. He also started a cough which he likely caught from the rest of the family.
His jaundice was finally on a downward trend since 3 March 2015 and serum bilirubin (SB) level was 98µmol/L on 24 March 2016.
Jerald started going to daycare since 21 March 2016 in view of Angie returning to work after maternity leave at the end of March 2016. Much to our surprise, since he had to be bottlefed expressed breast milk at the daycare centre, he was drinking quite a lot and the stock of expressed breast mild didn't last long. On 28 March 2016, he started drinking formula milk in addition to the daily supply of expressed breast milk.
[Jerald and Julian in a friendly fight]
[Jerald blowing raspberries]
[Jerald (Similar pose by his brothers: Julian, and Justin)]