Jerald turned 8 months old on 28 September 2016.
He did not have any check-ups at the clinic nor any immunisations this month.
His development updates:
[Something must be funny]
[Jerald with his fashionable hat]
[Jerald and Daddy]
[Wefie with Daddy]
[Jerald's first teeth]
[Julian giving Jerald a horsey ride]
[Jerald on the piano]
He did not have any check-ups at the clinic nor any immunisations this month.
His development updates:
- He has started to crawl but not very efficiently, more like alternating between being on all-fours and sliding on his tummy.
- On 10 September 2016, we noticed 2 of his lower incisors have erupted.
- He started to dislike cereals and so we have started boiling porridge.
[Something must be funny]
[Jerald with his fashionable hat]
[Jerald and Daddy]
[Wefie with Daddy]
[Jerald's first teeth]
[Julian giving Jerald a horsey ride]
[Jerald on the piano]