Jerald turned 7 months old on 28 August 2016.
As of 22 August 2016, he weighed 7.7kg and was 64cm in length (he did not seem to have grown longer). There was an immunisation jab this month.
His development updates:
[Jerald with Mummy]
[Jerald with Jianna]
[Mmmm... so yummy!]
As of 22 August 2016, he weighed 7.7kg and was 64cm in length (he did not seem to have grown longer). There was an immunisation jab this month.
His development updates:
- While on his tummy, he can push himself to face different directions.
- He loves gnawing on our fingers for sometime now. Perhaps he is teething.
- He prefers being upright than lying down.
- He likes to reach out and try to grab things.
[Jerald with Mummy]
[Jerald with Jianna]
[Mmmm... so yummy!]