Jerald turned 6 months old on 28 July 2016.
As of 20 July 2016, he weighed 7.2kg and was 64cm in length. There was an immunisation jab this month.
His development updates:
[Jerald's first solids]
[Jerald and Mummy]
[Jerald pouts]
[Jerald and Julian]
As of 20 July 2016, he weighed 7.2kg and was 64cm in length. There was an immunisation jab this month.
His development updates:
- He ate his first solid food (some fine porridge) on 27 July 2016.
- We've decided that the screaming sound he makes is to express unhappiness!
[Jerald's first solids]
[Jerald and Mummy]
[Jerald pouts]
[Jerald and Julian]