Jianna turns 7 months old on 30 October 2012. No clinic visit this month. Here are her updates:
[Jianna standing in the play pen]
[Jianna trying a rusk]
[Jianna: You got that right!]
[Jianna the hair dresser]
- She makes a beeline to grab something that takes her fancy since she's mobile now.
- She crawls on her hands, left knee and right foot :-)
- She can pull herself up to standing position with support since about six-and-a-half months old.
- She is eating solids (cereal) well, especially at daycare.
- Still fully on breast milk. She takes about 8 to 10oz per day at daycare inclusive of milk used to make her cereal.
- She has now started to reach out to Mummy to be carried and has become choosy. She turns away from a person when doesn't want to be carried by that person.
[Jianna standing in the play pen]
[Jianna trying a rusk]
[Jianna: You got that right!]
[Jianna the hair dresser]