We were at the picnic site, a stream flowing through a fruit ochard, at about 9.30am. The water was clean but cold!
[The stream]
Justin did not warm up to the water and protested when his feet were dunked into the water. He prefered to stay dry and keep an eye on the food instead... *smart boy*.
[Justin at the picnic]
[Justin in charge of drinks]
Julian on the other hand took charge of the fun and eagerly got himself wet. The water was indeed cold even by adult standards but Julian did not seem to bother... not even after his hands turned white and his lips turned purple... talk about sheer will power to have fun... *slaps forehead*. We think that among all those who were there, it was Julian who had the most fun... *slaps forehead again*.
[Julian in charge of fun]
[Julian braves the cold]
[Julian's new hairdo]
Since it was a potluck picnic, we brought along cocktail sausages and some brownies that Julian baked two days ealier.
[Potluck tuck]
At around 11.30am, it started to rain. The rain soon turned into a thunderstorm which lasted about an hour. We all took shelter at the ochard house. When the storm had abated, we were surprised that the stream had turned into a small raging river and that the water was now the colour of "teh tarik". We left at around 1pm.
[A stream no more]
Well, too much of a good thing can't be good. Julian had fever that very evening, and even had a sore throat and some diarrhoea. He was his usual self after about 4 days. Justin started having a temperature last Wednesday (probably courtesy of Julian) which lasted about 3 days. He also had some thrush. All was well by the weekend *phew!*.
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