Julian can now generally understand instructions quite well. Sometimes, of course, he chooses to ignore them.
He's still not speaking fluently yet and quite often we still need to decipher what he's saying. However he is able to express himself more. He can tell us that he's hungry and wants to eat. Previously he asks for food only when he sees it. He can even ask Ah Kong to BUY something for him - and of course he almost always gets it! :-) When he has a physical discomfort, he is able to indicate to us where the discomfort is - which is helpful.
Although he can speak, he seems to get tongue-tied when on the phone. When we try to get him to talk to someone on the phone, he would become silent. When he does finally speak after much coaxing, he would speak very softly. Wonder why...
He also likes to punch away at the keys on the computer keyboard and has learnt a few more letters of the alphabet this way.
[Amen! Rare quiet moments...]
[Peace be with you]
[Me and my mess...]
[... Land me in jail!]
[Julian's signature smile #1]
[Julian's signature smile #2]
Hahaha...he really gets sent to jail there? What a good idea! Makes me think we SHOULD get a baby cot anyway for dual purposes ;-)
Hey...my old, dead blog is still in your list??? Time to update ler...
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