[Chini Cock I: The Avian Manace]
Okay, Angie and I will try to give an overview of our CNY activities starting from CNY's eve. On arrival back in Menglembu on 8 Feb 2005, we were introduced to Goldie, our new family dog.
On the night of CNY's eve, we had a sumptious steamboat dinner and I have proof that I am not lying about it being sumptious.
[Angie, Chui Ying and my dad waiting eagerly for the boat to steam *stomach rumble*]
[Exhibit 1: A pregnant male's belly]
We forgot to mention that Angie also fell sick just before the holidays. So, we're both still nursing a cough. *cough, cough*
Stay tuned for The Rooster Rules! (Part 2) :o).
Choir chorus - *cough, cough, cough*
Yikes....run....why my face come out wan?
5xmom: Ha, ha... nice chorus... :o). But sorry... don't quite get what you meant about your face 'come out'? *blur, puzzled*
Kelvin & Family: We're using a Canon A75.
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