Otherwise, he's turning out to be quite an active child, sometimes we think he'll turn out to be even more active than Julian *horrors*! He loves to pull himself up to a standing position and can stand very steadily. He can also hop onto the toy car or toy horse and push himself forward, and then hop off... all by himself *horrors again*! He now also loves the slide (assisted of course).
He loves to "harass" Julian. There was once when Julian was sitting on the carpet, Justin crawled up to him. Then, he put his hands on Julian's back to pull himself up to standing position. He makes a sly grin, and then pats Julian's head! And just today, he harassed Julian by wanting to scratch a scar on Julian's knee. However, Mummy distracted Justin by giving him a plastic cup to play with. Justin then used the plastic cup to knock Julian's head *slaps forehead*!
On communication, he seems to be making sounds such as "pah" (much to Grandpa's delight!) and "woh woh" (dog barking).
One more upper incisor has erupted making a total of 5 teeth so far. He still prefers rice porridge over cereals, and currently likes bread as well.
[Justin and Mummy]
[Justin bites a number]