Julian turned 32 months old on 28 January 2009.
He's getting quite talkative and says short phrases. He also likes to point things out to Justin, like "Justin, [something]". He has also coined very unusual phrases like "I dun mai" when it should be "I don't want" or "uhm-mai" (in Hokkien).
Since he has been off the pacifier for more than a month now (at home with us, at least), he doesn't seem to sleep as soundly as he used to. He seems to have nightmares and cries at least twice a night (often complaining that he doesn't want something, or about a "pain" somewhere). During the "pacifier days", this wasn't uncommon but it was easier to pacify him. Now it's more tricky especially when he complains of a pain (or probably an itch or numbness perhaps) we can't locate.
He has also further improved on his bedtime routine, especially now that teeth-brushing works to draw him away from the living room (and often the TV). Furthermore, if Justin (with Mummy) is already in bed, he has more reasons to join them!
He is still possessive of his toys (and Justin's as well) and hasn't quite learnt the idea of sharing. He often tells Justin, "No touch!".

[What shall I paint today?]

[Julian in his car seat]